
Deleting Materials

Delete Materials

On MAKAR Editor Homepage

Click "Window" ‭→ "Material Resource" to open the user material resource on the homepage,click "替代文字",to delete materials. You can only delete materials that you have copied and added to a project. MAKAR default materials cannot be deleted.​

In a MAKAR Project Scene

I​n your MAKAR project scene, select the 3D object and click "Material Resource" to open the adjustment window. Click "替代文字to delete materials. You can only delete materials that have been copied. The original materials that come with the 3D object cannot be deleted.

When you add copied materials to the user material resource and then click "替代文字", the material will only disappear from the project and not from the user material resource. If you need to completely delete a material, please refer to the deletion process on the homepage mentioned above. 


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