
Applying and Viewing Default Materials

Apply and View Default Materials

In the 3D material section, MAKAR Editor offers numerous preset materials, such as Iron, Bricks, and Cartoon, allowing you to easily apply various styles to your models. The adjusted materials can also be saved. Below is a guide on how to apply preset materials and how to view the preset materials.

Apply Default Materials

1. In your MAKAR project scene, select the 3D object and click "Material Resource" to open the adjustment window.

2. Click " 替代文字‭→ "Duplicate Material Sphere" to copy the material. Then click "替代文字 ‭→ 替代文字" to display the import settings window. Here, you can choose from preset materials or previously added materials.

View Materials

On MAKAR Editor homepage, click "Window""Material Resource" to open the user material library. This library contains various MAKAR default materials as well as any materials you have previously added.

You can directly adjust and add materials here or in your project. For detailed instructions, please refer to the tutorial on Adjust and Add Materials.



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