Mifly Provides with AR Solution in Taiwan 5G Festival held by Chunghwa Telecom
2020 is the beginning year of 5G in Taiwan.In 12th- 13th November, Chunghwa Telecom holds the "5G Festival" in t. HUB, where invites Jorjin, Tungnan University and Mifly to create a AR experience Area, gathering the 5G industry-academia cooperation and display its applications with 5G tech.
Roger LU, CEO of Mifly says it's his pleasure to particitate in the expo. By offering the software "MAKAR Editor", Tungnan University innovates very dedicated AR versions on both "The Genre Paintings of Taiwan's Aboriginal Peoples" and "Taiwan Aboriginal Map", two traditional paintings dipicting the living and cultural condition in Qing Dynasty. Under tech of 5G, these artcrafts can be viewed directly and unlimited through devices like Jorjin's latest smart glasses "J7EF", of which need not any assistance from other tools and can start experiencing just by scannig those pictures.