AR Glasses and 《MAKAR》cultivate curiosity and learning interest among elementary school children
image:epson taiwan
AR/VR has seen a steep future in becoming a household implementation, but in education industry of Taiwan, it shows a complete different picture.
Due to the difficulties of promoting AR/VR technology among business and retail consumers, there are a few stakeholders have ventured into the implementation of AR/VR technology in education. With the introduction of education reform, Taipei Municipal Xinhai Elementary School has implemented this new technology in cultivate yound children's learning interest.
Now, the schools has purchased 21 Epson AR Glasses as learning tools, pairing up with MAKAR AR/VR Editor, to students' learning interest while experinecing AR/VR contents. The implementations seen tremendous success as students are not restricted within virtual environment on the devices, but they too interact with the real world and their classmates. The best part is, Epson A Glasses are light-weighted and comfortable to put on.
Education industry in Taiwan has started to look beyond the traditional teachong method, and made use of new techologies in cultivating learning interest.
If you would like to inquire more regarding MAKAR and AR Glasses integration, please contact us and we will get back to you immediately.
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