
5G drives the fashion industry, VR fashion show

(Image source: YAHOO News)

With the advent of the 5G era and the impact of the epidemic, industries have moved towards digital transformation. The fashion industry is no exception, opening the virtual era. RYOT Studio cooperated with the Fashion Innovation Agency (FIA) of the London School of Fashion to create the VR fashion show "The Fabric of Reality" for the first time, using VR technology and 5G to showcase the new fashion of technology! Let's take a look! wink

(Image source: YAHOO News)

The content from the "The Fabric of Reality" fashion show mostly showcases the creator's stories and works. 3D works are provided through VR technology and 5G real-time. Friends who like fashion can directly wear the VR device without going to the London show. You can explore the interactive designer's work in the VR space. This fashion show offers you to try on the show clothes, and you can also watch how the backstage of the show normally works, so that the public has a deeper understanding of the fashion show and everyone can stand The desire to be on the fashion stage. angel

This fashion show has its own global issues in the works:

mailDamara Ingles takes the exploration of the universe as the theme and advocates the inseparable connection between clothing and the universe!

mailCharli Cohen collaborated with Ana Duncan, a virtual graphic designer in collaboration with Disney and Cartoon Channel, to express the young people’s world-weary attitude .

mailSabinna Rachimova pays attention to global environmental issues, combined concern for the global environment.

This VR fashion show is on display at the Museum of Surreal (MOR). Provide fashion fans with a more accessible channel for fashion. The first step is to make VR technology accessible to the general public and the stories behind the hard-to-reach fashion stage. In the future, AR VR will help popularize knowledge for a generation! heart