
VR Tour-Piazza San Marco



●Online 3DMaterials



image: JPG, GIF & PNG(Maximum file size5mb)

3DModel FBX (Maximum file size10mb)

video: MP4 (Maximum file size 20mb)

sound: MP3 & WAV(Maximum file size 5mb)

panorama JPG(Maximum file size 5mb)

panorama MP4(Maximum file size 20mb)

Youtube URL: Upload to Youtube and set to public(no limit)


Materials link


1.Create a MAKAR project

Create a new project on the top left.

Select “VR” ->Blank project. Since there are more 360 background images needed here, please upload them when editing the project, click “Ok” to finish the process。

2.Import materials

The required materials are as follows.

Import the material, click “New Resources” on the left -> “Panorama Resources” -> “Panorama Image”, to add the panorama image rather than the normal image.

Upload the required image material, and click “Add Resource” to select the Image.

The final materials are as follows.

If you want to change the order of the materials you can hold down the left button and drag it. For example, drag the magnifier to the left as shown in the image.

3.Edit VR scene

In the VR Scene, double-click on the left mouse button to change the name of Scene 1 to "Sunrise". 

Click the + icon on the right of the VR scene to add the scene and rename it. Trashcan icon representing the VR scene in use.

Drag the panorama image onto the scene to replace the VR background. Again, the panorama image is not the same as a normal image.

Replace the background image of each VR scene with the 360 background.

3.Scene Switching

Drag the icon we want to use onto the scene. It is recommended to drag all icons into each VR scene once.

After placing the icon buttons in each VR scene, adjust the position of the buttons in each scene.

Take the switch to sunrise scene as an example, select Add Action on the right -> Scene Switching.

Select “Delay Trigger” here, to avoid when watching VR, giving a buffer to the button, so the scene will not flash away.

The following is the switching link of each VR scene.

4. Zoom in attractions

Drag the magnifier to the scene and place it in the proper place.

Click “Add Action” ->Show Image” on the right.

The window will pop up, select the picture and press confirm.

The image will then become a child of the button, which can be seen from the scene object on the left, adjusting the image properly.

Select “Delay Trigger” here again.

5.Let's take a look

Open MAKAR APP on mobile or pad, input ID:Class03,remember to select “VR”. Press Experience to scan, and you'll see the result!