최신 소식

ARVR high quality and technological literacy development and application

In recent years, the application of ARVR emerging technologies has become more and more widespread. MAKAR is committed to the application and promotion of ARVR education. In order to enhance the learning of emerging technologies, it will diversify information technology, life technology, new technology cognition, and self-made maker.
MAKAR provides a teaching cloud platform, combined with diversified ARVR functions, the content that can be created includes: ARVR learning process, AR collection point, AR scratch music, AR illustration, ARVR guide, ARVR interaction, ARVR campus application, AR glasses integration solution, VR glasses Integrated solutions .... and other diverse hard and soft integrated applications.
In order to enhance students 'learning ability, the basic concept of the 108 syllabus is "Achieve Every Child-Appropriate Talent, Lifelong Learning". Starting from respecting the main body of students' life, through appropriate education, it can stimulate the joy of life and self-confidence of life, and enhance students The desire to learn and the courage to innovate, fulfill national responsibilities and show symbiotic wisdom, and become a lifelong learner with social adaptability and resilience.
It includes international education, information use and student learning, and promotes the field of homogenization including art, comprehensive, technology, health and education ... etc. Quality improvement aims at improving learning quality and student learning effectiveness with comprehensive quality, regional homogeneity, characteristic piloting, performance responsibility and phased promotion.

Let's take a look at the results of MAKAR UX

Xinhai Elementary School EPSON AR BT300 
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National Elementary School AR Guide Map
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New Taipei City Library Application
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Wanhua Library AR old photos
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National Museum of Natural Science
Reading syllabus
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5G Digital Content Transformation WebAR Trend Application
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Taichung Home Business Education Bureau VR Curriculum and Learning Sheet
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How to combine technology literacy for learning .Fill in the application form . Let us promote innovation and diversified curriculum content